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[[preprinted]] Press Notices [[/preprinted]]

[[papers inside of scrapbook, some overlapping others, obscuring some of the words]]

To Save 
^ A. C. Or?'s class to raise money for L.B. Staton

[[newspaper clipping]]
Bangor, Maine, May 3. – The spirit of the old-time Maine lumberman who guided the great log jams down the rushing rivers is to be perpetuated in bronze.  On the base of a fountain to be erected near the Bangor public library as a memorial to the late Colonel Luther H. Pierce of Chicago, a former Bangor resident, will be placed a great bronze relief depicting three river drivers engaged in the perilous task of breaking out the key log of a jam to release the millions of logs behind.
Colonel Pierce provided for the fountain in his will.  The memorial commission has accepted a design submitted by Charles E. Teff of New York, a native of Bangor.  The sculptor obtained much of his information and inspiration for the design from Patrick Connors of this city, now 84 years of age, the last survivor of four brothers who for many years piloted log drives down the Penobscot.

[[newspaper clipping]]
Lied About Fake Holdup
[[horizontal line]]
Philadelphia, Pa. – William Gardiner, night watchman on a construction job here, was discharged by the firm that he was working for after he signed a statement confessing that he had liked when he put out a report that he had been held up by a colored man and a white man who attempted to take his pay envelope and failed.
Gardiner stated that he invented the fake hold-up story in order to cover over some damage that he had done to the elevator during the night and was afraid to report it as an accident.

[[newspaper clipping]]
proposition for President Wilson. He was not a mixer. He was never known to slap anyone on the back in jovial fashion. He was sociable enough upon occasions, good-humored and a fascinating conversationalist, but he did not know how to inspire the practical politicians with that species of support which means working tooth and toenail and with unflinching loyalty.
Impressions may differ, jealouses are always present in the immediate circle of a president's daily life, but the success of Woodrow Wilson's [[cut off]]

[[newspaper clipping]]
has been used in millions of homes during the past 50 years, relieving disorders of the Kidneys and Liver. Try a bottle and notice the improvement in your health Contains no habit-forming drugs. For children or adults.
Sold by leading druggists everywhere. Send for free sample and booklet.
Warner's Safe Remedies Co.
Dept. 270    Rochester, N.Y.

[[newspaper clipping, folded with some words obscured]]
er's Day
Plants for Your Yard
of Flowers"
Milam Street Entrance

[[newspaper clipping, some words covered]]
Self-control is not a gi
tainment. It is not acquir
effort, but is the result o
practice. There is no real greatness
without it, and no real littleness with it.
-Christian Index.

[[preprinted]] 114 [[/preprinted]]

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