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Reference is made to your memorandum of 7 June 1948 entitled "Negro Air Units."

As you know, the Air Staff is presently re-evaluating our policy regarding the utilization of Negro personnel in connection with the policies of the other armed services and other considerations.

There are differences, of course, in the relative strengths of Negroes in the various services, and there are also differences in the duty and off-duty conditions which must be considered. It will require, therefore, a certain amount of time for careful study and analysis to determine any policy changes to be adopted and to carefully plan their implementation. In view of this, we prefer to retain the present organization at Lockbourne Air Force Base for the time being.

Regarding Colonel Davis, it is our opinion that his present situation is similar to that of many other officers of comparable grade and ability who would also like to attend the Air University but are precluded from immediate attendance due to military considerations.

You have my personal assurance that our present position is not in the interest in maintaining the status quo, but is in anticipation of a more progressive and more satisfactory action in the relatively near future.