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officers scheduled for Air Command and Staff School, status of six officers slated for Air ROTC assignments, relief from commitment for three officers and sixty Airmen for the Air ROTC Summer Encampment at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, and two Fighter Group flights; one for Pittsburgh on 21 May and another over a city in Ohio on 10 June. Colonel Landon agreed to look into these matters and supply any information he might obtain.

At 1400, Colonel Mannion called Colonel West, Office of the Director of Military Personnel, Untied Sates Air Force, and as a result of this conversation, Colonel Mannion and Major Crawford will leave Lockbourne on Friday, 20 May, after observing the Personnel Redistribution Board interviews of the first group of Airmen to meet the Board.

At 1500, Colonel Davis inspected the screening and testing procedures being administered by the Screening Team and found the work to be going on in a most commendable and effective manner.

Thursday - 19 May 1949:
The Personnel Redistribution Board met at 0800 and interviewed approximately 40 officers. The Board adjourned at 1200.

Major Ralph G. Taylor, Jr., Director of Operations and Flying, and Captain James E. Williams, Assistant Operations and Training Officer, both from Ninth Air Force, Langley Air Force Base, Virginia, arrived on the station at 1100 and were thoroughly briefed and acquainted with the activities on the station. At 1500 a conference was held with Major Taylor and Captain Williams concerning a mission to be performed over Pittsburgh on 21 May by 16 aircraft of the Fighter Group. As a result of telephone conversations with the Operations Section, United States Air Force, the decision was made that the mission would be flown. Ninth Air Force was notified by telephone to this effect at 1730. Also, work was stopped on transfer of aircraft and the aircraft were readied for the flight to be made on 21 May. 
Lt. Savoy returned to Washington.

Friday - 20 May 1949:
The Personnel Redistribution Board met at 0800 and by 1200, when the Board adjourned, all officers present for duty on the station had been screened.
General Strother and Colonel West arrived at Lockbourne at 1140. These officers observed the screening of the last 5 officers and visited the Examination Room to see the testing and interviewing being conducted by the Screening Team from Lackland. General Strother and Colonel West departed at 1430. Colonel Mannion and Major Crawford accompanied General Strother on the return flight to Washington.