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Straight from the Editor 

Last year this time SPOTLIGHT was on a bad spot. Our regular printers were on strike and our October and November issues had been abandoned as a consequence. Printers Limited, our old and obliging friends, had our combined December-January issue in hand but could give no deadline for delivery.

Struggling under a mountain of work, Printers could well have given us the brush-off when, in desperation, we asked them to print a combined 64-page December-January issue. But at great physical and operational inconvenience, they took it on and worked as if their reputation depended on it. They did a first-rate job, and put us back on the newsstands after 13 worried weeks. Their cooperation and understanding has been an experience which we will never forget.

At this time we consider it fitting not only to again express our deep gratitude, but to extend a special Xmas and New Year Greeting to Manager Arnold C. Tuach and his staff.

For SPOTLIGHT, 1948 was another good year. Despite the country's poor economic position that made cash-short worrywarts out of everybody, circulation and advertising held. Few old subscribers deserted; hundreds of new ones came on. Advertisers both local and foreign stuck with us in a manner that heartened every member of the staff. 

You readers showed a new and deeper interest in the magazine than ever before, due no doubt to our constant appeals to let us know what you think about what we write, and about what is happening in the island. Scores of letters were unprintable―so much fire and fury they contained. Some were too intensely personal for publication. But they all added up to one total: SPOTLIGHT has become Jamaica's second leading publication, a national institution. 

Apart from letters, we were paid some high public compliments. Visiting English Newspaper Expert Leonard Lister, in a lecture at the Institute, described us as "the outstanding publication in the B.W.I." Visiting Congressman Adam Clayton Powell told a Press Club gathering that in his opinion we are miles ahead of all other Jamaican publications. H. C. Collier, Editor-Secretary of the Canada-West Indies Magazine, said that we are "doing a tremendous job for Jamaica." 

That we earned these compliments is no accident but, as you suspect, the result of hard, conscientious work; the result of the co-operation we have been fortunate in getting from all sections of a previously indifferent public. It is an indication of the high-standard performance expected of us and which we must continue to give to hold the friends we have and win new ones.

It is a further indication of how much we have to thank the public for: our printers, distributors, readers, advertisers, contributors and our critics whose seeming unkindness does us good by keeping us ever on guard, ever on our toes.  

――――――――――――― FROM ―――――――――――
D. B. DYER, Proprietor


[[image - Santa drawn sitting in a chair with a little girl with halo sitting on his lap, a small house beside his right boot in the foreground and two large snowflakes above]] 

 . . . To you our friends and customers for the loyal support that you gave us. We extend also the sincere wish that we may continue to serve you faithfully during the coming year. 
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