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All this, of course, might give the impression that we had no troubles. Far from it, we had our share with plenty to spare. But thid much we'll say: We had no trouble which we couldn't solve, and which in the solving didn't teach us something new and useful.

So rounding off our Ninth Year, we find so many blessings to count, so much to be happy about, that we can only say ONE GREAT BIG THANKS to all the people everywhere whose direct and indirect support we have the honour to enjoy, and by whose leave we serve. 

May you all enjoy your puddings, punches and holiday play to the full and go forward toward 1949 with Faith and Confidence; willing to give and take; ready to lend a hand to the cause that needs assistance, to help fight the wrongs that need resistance, to work for the future in the distance and the good that each of us can do in this, troubled, confused and godless world. 

Last month's front cover (Jamaica Manufacturers' Mouthpiece Harry Vendryes) was a milestone. We long wanted an all-coloured cover. When Gleaner's able Job Printing Boss Henry S. Wiles saw the drawing by Johnnie Johnson's Art & Publicity Service he too was excited. "I can do it in colours," he said over the phone. "What are you waiting for?" we asked, trying to sound calm. Since the issue hit the newsstands we have been passing your bouquets to Wiles and Johnson. (By the way, the Robeson planeside pic on p. 8 was a Wally Allen job. We have framed the original).

Speaking of front covers: we are thinking of changing our format. Why?  We think there is room for improvement. Send us a design, you brilliant artists. Twenty Guineas to the winner.

You have seen the newspaper Ads and have no doubt met some of the cast of Beauty & the Beast, this year's panto which L.T.M. (Director Noel Vaz) will present at the Ward. Even in the rough it looks like another hit. (Remember Cinderella last year). Kay Clayton, tall, graceful visiting English stage star, is playing the lead. All your favourites (incl. Doris Duperley, Lloyd HoSang, Clinton Nunes, Florence Reid, Neville Campbell) and some newcomers whom you'll go for, are in the cast. The girls are all date-worthy. Let's make B. & B. a must and give L.T.M. a big, well-deserved hand.
* * * * *
STOP PRESS. This story was going the rounds in December: The goods from "Hong Kong", a sterling area, were really from China, a dollar area. If Gunter was fooled by the applications, he got wise in time to block the goods. Angry at his decision, the importers appealed to the governor. The governor ordered him to let the goods in―or resign. Gunter refused to let the goods in, refused to resign. Would the governor, like Herod and John the Baptist, give Gunter's head to the commercial Salomes on a charger?

Evon Blake.

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HIT THE Gay Spots  [[italics]] ♪  ○  
... strike the high note of quality on every occasion in the well styled, comfortable, long-lasting 

[[image - hand-drawn candle with haloed glowing flame joined by line created with multiple strokes to a second hand-drawn candle with haloed glowing flame behind a photo of a man's shoe, with a hand-drawn Santa behind the shoe toe]]

We have the largest assortment
since 1939
