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[[3 column table]] | [[advertisement 1]] [[large print]] [[bold]] METAL WINDOWS AND DOORS [[/large print]] [[/bold]]

BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS should communicate with us immediately for the requirements. Stock carried locally. Latest designs, sturdily built for lasting service.


Ewan D. Macdougal Ltd.


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SERVICE [[/large print]]
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[[bold]] Intermittent sailing freight steamers to and from NEW YORK and NEW ORLEANS.
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Cargo accepted for shipment to Canal Zone, Guatemalan, Honduran, Colombian and Cuban ports, direct or via New Orleans.
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Cargo can be forwarded on Through Bill of Land to and from certain European Terminal Ports via New York. [[/bold]]

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[[large print]] UNITED FRUIT CO. [[/large print]]

40 Harbor Street.

KINGSTON, JAMAICA [[/advertisement2]] |
Hazel Scott, Congressman Powell and A.C.P I I I (age 2) stepped ashore from the Alcoa Clipper, Sunday morning, Nov. 22.

Tall, homburg-hatted, flawlessly tailored, Powell looks like a cross between a Hollywood's Caesar Romero and Mexico's President Miguel Aleman. He was hardly off the boat when he hit the headlines with a force that pushed his famous wife temporarily on the sidelines. He had come despite a stay-away-from-Jamaica smear campaign, he told the press at the conference that day.

[[bold]]Deglamoured. [[/bold]] Jamaicans wondered, they sniffed. They had heard that line before. While they wondered whether the much headline Congressman and Pastor of Harlem's Abyssinian Baptist Church (membership 18,000) was either a sensationalist or a brave, a 4-month-long Jamaican resident from Oklahoma City peeled some of the glamour off him. Said the Oklahoman in a press letter: Before coming to Jamaica had canvassed nation-wide opinion, had heard nary of unfavorable word, on the contrary he had been encouraged to come.

Tourist interests, who had taken Powell deadly serious, and had even planned to call a meeting to plan a desmear campaign, breathed easier, but muttered objectives about Adam Clayton Powell. "We don't want anymore damn liars here, we have enough," a hotelman exploded.

Next day, Powell hedged, said he was misquoted. "I am here dodging every form of publicity, public appearances… only to relax," he said for publication.

Next Sunday (Nov. 28) he "relaxed" by sermonizing from Rev. F. Cowell, Lloyd's red-bricked East Queen Street Baptist Church pulpit ┼.
┼ Text: Exodus 4: 2 – "What is that in thy hand?" (Powell's translation: instead of envying your neighbor, make the most of what you have). Sunday, December 5, he was back in Cowell Lloyd's pulpit. Text (from life): "Where do we go from here?". The church overflowed. Both times, loud handclapping mingled with pious groans and amens.

[[image - ]] GENERAL'S SON: Col. Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., 36, famous C.O. of the all-Negro 332nd Fighter Wing at Lockbourne Airbase, Columbus, Ohio; at Vernam Field, Jamaica, Monday Dec. 13. He and his 7-man crew were en route to Ramey Airbase, Puerto Rico, on a navigational training flight via the Antilles and Virgin Islands.  Son of Brig.-General "Ben" Davis, only Negro general officer in the U.S. armed Forsooth, graduate (B.Se.) Of U.S. Military Academy (class of '36), he was winged in '42, went overseas in' 43, was the 332nd's C.O. in the Mediterranean Theatre. His war service is distinguished for 60 missions in various types of aircraft. For brilliant comeback record he received the Silver Star, Legion of Merit, D.F.C., Air Medal (with 4 oak leaf clusters), Commendation Ribbon; he also wears ribbons of European Theatre, American Defense, American Theatre, the Victory Medal. Flying on a tight schedule Davis regretfully didn't see much of Jamaica, couldn't get around to being Jamaica Press guest, was toasted in absentia.]] | 

[[bold]] At home, [[/bold]] Trumanite Powell is a three-star headliner, adroitly eluding the subtle brush-offs of an unwilling Congress to spearhead the fight for Negro Rights legislation. The Abyssinian Baptist Church, world's largest religious congregation, is a family heritage. As pastor, he is no milk-&-honey-pie-in-the-sky bible thumper. When he preaches, he gets down to earth, so much down that he often kisses the women after sermons.

[[bold]] Hazel Scott. [[/bold]] Barney Josephson, a smart New York Jew, discovered Hazel Scott long before Adam Powell, and built an expensive night club around her. Her flare for beating boogie-woogie out of Bach on the piano, and her sexy, curvaceous personality vehicled her swiftly up night club, stage and radio stardom.

Though the ebony-brown, Trinidad-born beauty appeals particularly to young bloods, the hepcats of swing and bee-bop, her first Jamaican audience had its mature and serious element – the Chopinites, Mendellsohnians & other highbrow music followers and fanciers, to whom a parody of the Masters is something near sacrilege.

[[bold]] Is It True? [[/bold]] When she opened at the Ward on Nov. 27, the excitement was as high as on Robeson's first night, only different. Interpreted, it read: Is it true what they say about Hazel?

Wearing a dazzling silver gown cut away from the knees to reveal shapely legs, she got a tremendous burst of applause as she came on stage. Thereafter, her stagecraft was only surpassed by her Mendellsohn, Chopin, DeFalla and Bach – conspicuously toney and confident. Her own compositions and arrangements of popular composers were rich and classy. She sizzled Chopin's "Minute Waltz" and Grainger's "Country Garden"; then she got down to boogie-woogie in a way that made the hepcat' hearts pulsate, by displaying a left-hand that would make the Old Masters exclaim in fascination.

Jamaica had never seen the like of her piano playing. Critics fished for [[hand-written large black arrow to right of column pointing to Co.. Benjamin O. Davis article below]] |