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[[3 column table]] | pool; native art gallery;  murals by famous American Painter John Pike (who decored Carib Theatre in '39). A lush coconut plantation supplies the backdrop.  One hundred yards from the beach bar is deep-water anchorage for yachts, a specially built boathouse and pier.

To be sure, these features make Tower Isle a hotel with a powerful personality.  But when Oliver perfected a novel system of natural ventilation that shoots the cold sea breeze even into the kitchen, he well-knew that he had almost outmoded air-conditioning in tropical hotels by a brainwave that should be patented.

[[bold]] Plenty to Spare. [[/bold]] For undertaking and financing without foreign help the biggest and boldest single project that Jamaica has witnessed, and pushing it through by Herculean effort of brain and brawn, Abe Issa makes SPOTLIGHT'S front cover as Man of the Year with plenty to spare. Beyond the shadow of a doubt, Tower Isle will place the island firmly and conspicuously on the world map of tourist resorts. Its opening will herald a new era of development in an industry that is being boosted to become the island's top moneymaker.

Functional, semi-continental, ultra-tropical without being bizarre, the hotel itself is not the whole works, however.  Tourists swim, drink, dance, dine, sleep, laze, gamble, scene-hunt.  After that, what?  Abe has the answer in Boscobel – 500 acres of rolling low grass and pimento five miles east of the hotel.  Here he is building golf  | course, race track.  The rest of the story tells itself.  He has also cornered Bentley, a small property to the west, for "freshwater fishing, barbecues, moonlight, picnics, more tropical glamour and magnetizing."

[[bold]] Live Guy. [[/bold]] Once described by an American admirer as "the livest guy in local Caribbean", Abe lives up to the reputation.  A whiz at figures, he took just two minutes to figure out that the tilers would use 16 1/2 miles of 8" x 8" tiles to do the hotel's floors alone.

He works 12 to 15 hours a day, sleeps an average  five, spawns ideas at the rate of one every five minutes.  Once a tweedy playboy, he has now settled down to being a sport-shirted dynamo of action and energy.

[[bold]] Nights at Bramlor [[/bold]](the title-mahogany-marble mansion which Oliver built for him in 1938) are mostly spent in confabs with executives from the office and wholesale (another mammoth at Princess St., heart of the Issa Organization);  or with managers of the firm's six retail stores (dry goods, hardware, electrical supplies) and Chrysler agency;  or over whiskies-&-soda at the built-in bar with selected business friends talking shop. Often there is a sprinkling of visiting foreign bigshots from both hemispheres.

At first there used to be big, glittery cocktail and dinner parties.

[[bold]] Mornings After. [[/bold]] However hard these nights (and they sometimes are), Abe is up with the chickens, at the office by 8.  He works right through the day, with | [[advertisement]]
[[very large print]] [[bold]] G. M. daCosta 
& Co., Ltd. [[/very large print]]
55 Orange Street
PHONE 2570 [[/bold]]


[[very large print]] Wholesale
Merchants. [[/very large print]]
[[/advertisement]] | [[/3 column table]]
[[2 column table]] | [[advertisement]]

[[extra large print]] when you're [[/extra large print]]
[[italics]] stepping out [[/italics]] *  *  *
[[extra large print]] "THE BUCKET" [[/extra large print]]
*  *  *  [[italics]]is the place to go [[/italics]]

The one and only NIGHT CLUB in Jamaica with
a world-wide reputation for ATMOSPHERE, HOSPITALITY . . . FULL ENJOYMENT.
* * * *
[[very large print]] GLASS BUCKET CLUB [[/very large print]]
HALF-WAY TREE.  JAMAICA, B.W.I. [[/advertisement]] | [[advertisement]]
[[Image: white rectangle surrounded by a house and a man holding a bagged tree along the top, a straw-hatted smiling woman kneeling and holding a potted plant and a trowel along the right side, a seedlings flat and a drinking glass knocked over along the bottom and a bagged rosebush, tulips, and a boy with a lawn hose reel along the left side]] [[caption]] [[bold]] EVERYTHING 
HOSE [[/bold]] [[/caption]]

[[extra large print]] HARDWARE & LUMBER LTD. [[/extra large print]]
4 King Street Kingston
______________________ [[/advertisement]] [[/2 column table]]

SPOTLIGHT, DECEMBER, 1948.  ]]large print]] [[italics]] SEND SPOTLIGHT OVERSEAS [[/large print]] [[/italics]] 25