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[[image - Paramount logo]]
Extends to the movie-going public heartiest Christmas Greetings, and All Good Wishes for the Coming year.
Over the season Paramount will bring to the Ward Theatre, the Broadway stage hit DEAR RUTH, starring William Holden and Joan Caulfield.  This delightful story is so well known that it needs no retelling.  It is a real holiday picture, full of laughs and gayety, to add to the joy of Christmas.
At the same time the Rialto Theatre will be featuring one of the finest pictures Paramount has yet produced – GOLDEN EARRINGS, starring Ray Milland and Marlene Dietrich.
For the past few months everybody has been humming the lovely song from this picture, which bears the same name, and we are sure you will enjoy it twice as much when Miss Dietrich sings it from the screen of the Rialto during the festive week of Christmas.

RKO Of Jamaica Limited
Extends The Season's Greetings
During the Season RKO will bring to the RIALTO one of the favourite series, TARZAN AND THE HUNTRESS, starring Johnny Weismuller and Brenda Joyce.  Also BEAT THE BAND, with Frances Langford and Phillip Terry.
At the WARD we are featuring WONDER MAN with Danny Kaye.  In giving you this picture we feel you will be getting real festive entertainment in the inimitable Danny Kaye style with plenty of comedy, dancing and gay music.
We also take pleasure in presenting THE FARMER'S DAUGHTER, in which you will see Loretta Young and Joseph Cotten.  It was for her performance in this picture that Loretta Young won the Academy Award.
We trust that our selections for the holidays will bring you top enjoyment and help to make Christmas and New Year just a little brighter.



A look into the portfolio which J. (for Jehoida) Augustus McPherson totes importantly around will reveal a mass of ambitious proposals for educational development.  Westmoreland-born (Bellevue, January 1900) "Mac", is Minister of Education, peacock-proud of the job, and has been going all out to make good at it.

Opportunist Labourites wondered why Busta picked the short, spectacled, unspectacular Miconian for a cabinet post.  In his obscure teaching days at Dalvey and Seaforth, in the Duckenfield cane and cocoanut area of St. Thomas, Mac and Busta were bosom pals.  Neither displayed any outward political ambitions.  Busta wanted to lead Labour;  Mac wanted to see the class and colour distinctions in St. Thomas levelled off.  Busta's BITU was a handy weapon.  That it developed into a political weapon was all the better for race-conscious Teacher "Mac".

[[image - portrait photograph of man]]
"To hell with that." [[/caption]]

Why was he worrying about "that madman"?  "He can help Jamaica, and I want to help him," was Mac's stock reply to critics – plus a broad, ready grin.

Down Chalk & Duster.  By '43 the Labour Party was an all-island reality.  In '44 Busta asked friend Mac to stand in West St. Thomas.  Mac willingly laid down chalk and duster.  Next thing he knew he was the M.H.R., Minister, Ex-Co member.

At first he was at sea, conscious only of the opportunity to fulfil his life-long urge to do good for "my people".  The records show that since '44, good progress has been made in building primary and infant schools, teachers cottages.  His most recent proposal is a programme for building 50 cottages to ease the housing shortage among teachers.

"To Hell With That".  Mac fights doggedly for his convictions, is a good lower.  When angry he stutters and 

Beware!  You may have PYORRHEA
[[image - print of woman's face with four drawn faces captioned BLEEDING GUMS  TENDER GUMS  IRRITATED GUMS  INFLAMED GUMS]]
4 out of 5 may be victims
Don't ever be so foolish as to neglect gums that bleed when you brush your teeth.  Tender bleeding gums may mean Pyorrhea, a dreaded gum disease which 4 out of 5 may get.  To be safe against this ruthless enemy with its shrinking gums and loosening teeth see your dentist regularly.  Then at home massage your gums and brush your teeth with Forhan's Toothpaste, the only toothpaste which contains Dr. R. J. Forhan's special anti-Pyorrhea astringent.  Remarkable improvement in 95% of Pyorrhea-threatened cases was shown after 30 days of this simple Forhan's care in a recent clinical investigation.  Buy a tube of Forhan's today.  Massage your gums and brush your teeth twice daily.  The results should thrill you!
"Brush your teeth with it"
[[image - drawing of part of a tube of toothpaste]]
R. J Forham D.D.S.
"Forhan's is the only dentifrice containing special anti-pyorrhea astringent"