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It's a Pleasure to Fly PAA
...and here are 6,600 reasons why!

6,600 represents the number of courteous, well-trained experienced men and women in PAA who serve you: your flight crew...the representative who makes your reservation...the ground personnel who help keep your Clipper on schedule and handle a multitude of other details for your comfort aloft and on the ground.

That is why, from the moment you board your powerful, luxurious PAA Clipper until you arrive at your destination you can relax...and truly enjoy every moment of your trip. For you know that experience flies with you...throughout your journey.

You can understand, too, the reason why it is with pardonable pride that we say...

FLY PAA...there's no better way.
Pan American World Airways
The System of the Flying Clippers

[[images: several right margin graphics about the people of Pan American]]