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[[column 1]]

[[image with caption below]]
[[caption]] [[bold]] Young paratroop [[/bold]]  trainees, attached to the Infantry school at Fort Benning, Ga., keep in rigid physical condition. Their training is on an integrated level.[[/caption]]

[[image with caption below]]
[[caption]] [[bold]] Recruits spend [[/bold]] more time in weapons training (126 hrs.) than any other activity at Fort Dix, N.J. Giving M-1 rifle instruction is Lt. Frank Eubank. [[/caption]]

[[caption]] [[bold]] Battery C [[/bold]] of the 593rd Field Artillery battalion at Fort Lewis, Washington, engages in firing practice with 155 millimeter howitzers at unseen targets. [[/caption]]
[[image with caption above]]
[[/column 1]]

[[column 2]]

[[embedded in image]] U.S. ARMED FORCES - continued

[[image with caption below]]
[[caption]] [[bold]] Tactical troops of 3rd Battalion, 15th Infantry, led by Lt. Robert Lewis [[/bold]] [[/caption]]

[[caption]] [[bold]] Deep in the recesses [[/bold]] of a Georgia pine-forest, communications men on command post jeep, keep contact with troops. These are trained 3rd Bn. men.[[/caption]]
[[image with caption above]]
[[/column 2]]

Transcription Notes:
Transcribed left side then right side.