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Baldwin, Hanson W., "What Kind of War?" [[underlined]] The Atlantic Monthly [[/underlined]], p. 23, July 1949.

Clague, E., "American's Future Manpower Needs," [[underlined]] Annals of the American Academy [[/underlined]], Vol. 262, pp. 102-110, March 1949.

Committee on Human Resources, [[underlined]] US R&D Board [[/underlined]], unpublished annual report, Washington, 1948.

Corson, J.J., [[underlined]] "Manpower for Victory, Total Mobilization for Total War," [[/underlined]] New York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1943.

Eliot, George Fielding, [[underlined]] If Russia Strikes, [[/underlined]] New York:  The Bobbe-Merrill Company, 1949.

Fuller, Major General J.F.C., [[underlined]] The Second World War 1939-1945 [[/underlined]], London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1948.

Green, William, speech [[underlined]] Vital Speeches [[/underlined]], Vol. 10, pp. 324-326, March 15, 1944.

Goldstein, H., "Estimate of Occupational Replacement Needs,"  [[underlined]] Occupations, [[/underlined]]  Vol. 26, pp. 397-402, April 1948.

Hart, Liddell, [[underlined]] The Revolution in Warfare, [[/underlined]] New Haven: Yale University Press, 1947.

Heflebower, R. B., "Economic Stabilization," [[underlined]] Industrial College of the Armed Forces, [[/underlined]]  1948.

Henderson, L., "We Only Have Months," [[underlined]] Fortune, [[/underlined]] Vol. 24, pp. 68-69, July 1941.

Hershey, Major General Lewis, "Selective Service - Present and Future," [[underlined]] Industrial College of the Armed Forces, [[/underlined]] 1949.

Hetzel, Ralph D., "Manpower," [[underlined]] Industrial College of the Armed Forces, [[/underlined]] 1948.

History of the Procurement and Training of Civilian Personnel, [[underlined]] AAF,ASC,[[/underlined]] 1944 (unpublished).

Hopkins, Harry, "You Will Be Mobilized,"  [[underlined]] American Magazine, [[/underlined]] Vol. 134, pp. 18-19, December 1942.

Hopley, R. J., "Civil Defense for National Security," [[underlined]] Industrial College of the Armed Forces, [[/underlined]] 1949.

"Industrial and Agricultural Deferments," [[underlined]] Industrial College of the Armed Forces, [[/underlined]] 1948.