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Hon. William C. Bullitt, Washington, D. C., 24 Apr 50.

Mr. George Messersmith, Mexico City, D. F., 25 Apr 50.

ACM Sir James M. Robb, Commander-in-Chief, Hq, Air Forces Western Europe, 26 Apr 50.

Monsieur Christian de Margerie, French Embassy, Washington, 27 Apr 50.

Gen. Paul Henry Ely, Sr. French Military Rep. on the North Atlantic Treaty Standing Op., Washington, D. C., 27 Apr 50.

Brig. Gen. Bonner Fellers (Ret.), Washington, D. C., 28 Apr 50.

Sir Harold Parker, Permanent Under Secretary of Ministry of Defense, England, 1 May 50.

Viscount Swinton of Masham, London, England, 2 May 50.

Maj. George R. Kauffman, Directorate of Intelligence, Hq, USAF, 3 May 50.

Col. Robert Worden, Hq, USAF, 4 May 50.

Maj. Gen. Richard C. Lindsay, Deputy Dir., Plans & Operations, Hq, USAF, 5 May 50.

Brig. Gen. Delmar T. Spivey, Hq, USAF, 4 May 50.

Maj. Gen. L. L. Lemnitzer, Special Asst. on Military Aid Assistance, Office of Secretary of Defense, 9 May 50.

Lt. Gen. A. M. Gruenther, Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans & Operations, U. S. Army, 10 May 50.

Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg, Chief of Staff, Hq, USAF, 10 May 50.

Maj. Gen. S. E. Anderson, Director, Plans & Operations, Hq, USAF, 10 May 50.

Adm. Forrest P. Sherman, Chief of Naval Operations, Navy Dept., 12 May 50.

Mr. Thomas K. Finletter, Secretary of the Air Force, 23 May 50.

Maj. A. P. de Seversky, New York, 29 May 50.

Dr. Bruce Hopper, Harvard University, 29 May 50.

Lt. Gen. Curtis E. LeMay, CG, SAC, 1 Jun 50.