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"Ray" was born 19 May 1915 and home is Terre Haute, Ind. After one year at Purdue Univ., he entered USMA, graduating in 1937. Finished the flying schools in Oct. 1938, and first assignment was 1st Pursuit Gp., Selfridge Field. In 1940 was assigned to 31st Pursuit Gp. on its activation, and in 1941 became a Sqdn. CO. Transferred in April 1941 to Hawaii, serving in 7th Fighter Command as Squadron Co, and Asst. Command A-3. Returned to U. S. in Sept. 1942 and attended Fighter Command School at Orlando, Fla. Was then assigned to 3rd Fighter Command, Tampa, Fla. in Oct. 1942 as CO, 11th Fighter Wing, slated for ETO. When wing was deactivated in April 1943 was transferred to Thomasville, Ga. as CO, 59th Fighter Gp., an RTU outfit. He was sent to Iceland in Nov. 1943, where he was CO, Fighter Comd, returning to U. S. in 1945. While in Iceland, he had approximately 30 days TDY with the 404th Fighter Gp, 9th AF. Was next assigned to Air Materiel Command at Wright Field, first as Deputy Chief, Photo Lab., Engineering Div., then as Engineering Div. Inspector, and finally, for 2 1/2 years as Chief, Tech. Intelligence Div. He left Wright Field to enter the AWC. Next assignment will be the Air Command and Staff School. Hobbies are golf, squash, stamp collecting. His wife, Eloise, is from Fairfield, Ill. Children are Sally (age 8) and Susan (age 4).


Ed was born February 25, 1907 at Lewisburg, Pa. He graduated from Lewisburg High School and then spent a year in Puerto Rico on a sugar plantation, followed by a year at Bucknell University, before he entered the Naval Academy. He captained the Naval Academy Varsity basketball team his first class year and graduated in 1930. After a short battleship cruise he went to Pensacola where he won his wings in 1932. He served in VF-6 (Kit-Kat squadron) and in between hops qualified a a top watch stander on the aircraft carriers Saratoga and Lexington. He flew PBYs in Hawaii for three years and coached and played on the Fleet Air Championship basketball team. Served on board the Lexington as V-I Division Officer (Arresting gear). He then was operations officer at the Naval Air Station Kaneohe Bay, T.H., where on Dec. 7th he was conditioned for the war years to follow. Fitted out the USS Wake Island as Air Officer. Promoted to Commander and fitted out and commissioned the USS Midway whose name was later changed to ST. Lo. Saw action off Saipan. Fitted out and commissioned the USS Bennington (CV-20) and served as air officer and then as executive officer. Saw action off Tokyo, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, etc., and finished the war in Tokyo Bay. After occupation duties and carrier training in the Hawaiian area was ordered to Washington. Worked for one year on the Ships Characteristics Board (CNO) and for two years as Chief of the Offensive Air Branch of the Air Intelligence Division. Upon leaving the Air War College he is to report to CO Air Transport Squadron-5 with hq at Moffett Field, Calif. His hobbies include fishing and gardening.