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Born 16 August 1905 in Butte, Montana. AB, UCLA 1930. Graduated from Pursuit Course, Air Corps Flying School Oct. 1931. 20 months active duty with 17th Pursuit Group, March Field 1931-32,and 1935. 111th Observation Squadron Texas National Guard, 1936-1945. Inducted in the Federal Service Nov. 1940. Served in ETO and MTO July 1942-Nov 1944, with 301 B.G. (H) and Hq, 47th B. Wing (H). Reverted to inactive status Dec. 1935. Integrated in the Regular Service July 1946. Wife, Eloise, from Albambra, Calif.


"Freddie" was born Oct. 6, 1911 near Palestine, Texas and now calls Abilene, Texas his home. He graduated from Abilene Christian College in 1931 and for one year was principal of a high school, taught four math courses and civics and coached football, basketball, track and tennis, all for the imposing sum of $105.00 per month. Feeling there was no future in such an arrangement he loafed until he became a legal age and entered Randolph in Feb. 1933 graduating from Kelly in Feb. '34. His service subsequent to that time: 17th Pursuit 
Gp, March Field; to Randolph as instructor and flight CO until June '41; June '41 to Sept '41 to England on Spitfire gunnery training; Asst. A-3, Gulf Coast Training Comd three months; D/Flying; Foster Field with add. duty Gunnery O, CO Matagorda Island Gunnery School, Range O and Admiral of the crash boat fleet during 1941; Returned to Randolph 1 Feb '44 to organize the Ftr Gp of the new Central Instructors School; Dept '44-C&CS S and on to AAF Staff O Course; Feb '44 to UK as Dep CO, 66th Ftr Wg and one month later to CO 78th Ftr Gp, Duxford, flew 57 missions in F-47s and F-51s; 1 Feb 45 to D/Ftr Opns, Hqs 8th AF; VE Day arrived Stateside and to 72 Ftr Wg where he closed Majors Field, Reopened La Junta, Colo. with two T-bolt Gps to train to fight the Japs; When the bomb fell-started closing La Junta; March '46 to Air Nat'l Guard program to set up ANG in seven Mid-western states, settling down in Des Moines four months later after 13 moves in 12 months; to AWC. Thence (proposed) to Dep IG and AI, FEAF. Hobbies: Golf, Skeet, Hunting. His wife, Elizabeth (Bess), is from Denver. Daughter Nancy.


"Sunny" was born on 3 October 1914 in Los Angeles, California so that he could be near his mother. Due to a step-father and an uncle in the Corps of Engineers, he grew up all over the east coast from Washington to Boston and finally decided on San Antonio, Texas as home. He graduated from USMA in 1937 and from Kelly Field in 1938. First assignment in Hawaii in 1938 and he remained there until February 1943 except for 1 month, 15 November 1941 - 11 December 1941. He flew back on the 11th of December in a flight under Lt. Colonel Hegenberger (B-17). After numerous jobs including Squadron Commander (B-17) in the 5th and 11th groups, 7th AF Deputy A-3 and Liaison