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"Ollie" was born 29 Nov. 1911 at Highland Mills, N. Y. He entered the Military Academy via the N. J. National Guard, graduating in 1936 into the Corps of Engineers. After two years of river and harbor duties at Vicksburg, Miss., and Conchas Dam, N. M., he undertook two years of graduate work in civil engineering, receiving an M.S. from Harvard and a D.Sc. from M.I.T. in 1940. The following three years were spent in Puerto Rico, as company commander in an Engineer Combat Battalion, Battalion Comdr., and then in the G- 3 office of the Antilles Dept. Hq. From 1943 to 1945, he served in Washington in the Personnel Div. of the War Dept. General Staff. In the closing days of the war, he was transferred to European Theater Hq. as Chief of the Morale Branch of G-1. He returned to Washington in the spring of 1946, to enter into a series of Washington assignments: Technical Div. of the Manhattan Project; Directorate of Research, Atomic Energy Commission; Plans and Operations Div. of the Army General Staff; and, after transfer to the AF in December 1947, Plans and Operations Div. of USAF Hq. After the AWC he is slated for duty at Los Alamos, N. M. His wife, Helen, is from South Orange, N. J. Children are Barbara (age 10), Betty (8), and Dick (1).


"Al" was born at New Orleans, La., 12 June 1911 (The trick Louisiana-French pronunciation makes Herbert sound like A-bear). Hollywood High and Los Angeles City College and Southwestern University School of Law (all Calif.) preceded his flying training at Randolph and Kelly. Al graduated in Attach Avn. from Kelly with the Class of '38B. Pre-war activities included tours with the 19th Bobm Gp. at March, Bombardiers School at Lowry, and the Cold Weather Experimental at Ladd Field (Alaska '40). War service included tours as Base Bomdr. at Cold Bay, 1942; Adak 1943; and Amchitka 1943; AAF Staff Course, Hq, USAF 1943. Al was Chief of the Test Branch at the Air Proving Ground 1945, and was graduated in the 2nd Command Course, C&GS, at Leavenworth in 1946. A three year tour in the Requirements Div., Jq. USAF, DCS/Operations, preceded his assignment to the AWC in 1949. Proposed assignment upon AWC graduation is with the Evaluation Div. of the Air University. His hobbies are: gadgets of any and all kinds, his wide and his two children. His wife's name is Mildred. (Millie is a Denver, Colorado girl and a former regular army nurse). Al and Millie were married at March Fld in 1939. Their children, Pete (Al, Jr., age 8) and Nanette (age 5) complete the family picture.


"Leo" was born July 3, 1909 in Philadelphia, Pa. Graduated from USMA in 1933 and commissioned in the Infantry. Assignments with the 34th and 29th Infantry Regiments in the States and the 65th Infantry in Puerto Rico. In 1939 detailed to the Ordnance Department and attended the Ordnance School. In 1941 assigned as Ordnance Officer with