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Depot. In December of 1942 he became CO of the 26th Sub-Depot, Drew Field, Tampa, Fla. In May of the same year, he became the CO of the 40th Air Depot Group at Warner Robbins. Upon arrival of the group at Honington, England, he was transferred to the VIII AFSC at Wide-wing. There he became Actg. Chief, Supply Division, VIII TASAC. The same year (1943) he was assigned to the IX BADA at Bournemouth, England as the Chief of the Supply Division. In May of 1944 he was transferred to the IX AFSC as Chief of Stock Control at Ascot, England. In this capacity and as Deputy Chief, Supply Division, he moved with the IX AFSC to France, Luxembourg, and Erlangan, Fermany. After the war he was assigned to the Air Materiel Command, Dayton, Ohio in the Supply Division. In connection with duties there, he made two trips to Europe, two to the Pacific and two to Panama. From July until November of 1948 he headed up the Intrasit Depot detachment which preceded the 59th Air Depot Group to Burtonwood, England. In addtion to certain logistical support for the B-29s in England, the activity at Burtonwood had responsibility for the G-54 maintenance in connection with the Berlin Airlift. His last assignment at the Air Materiel Command prior to reporting to the Air War College was as the Executive for Budget, Requirements, Operations and Control of the Supply Division. His proposed assignment is Depot CO at Sandia Base, Albuquerque, N.M. Hutch's hobbies are photography, fishing and woodworking. His wife, Elen, is from Bedford, Virginia. He had one child, Margot (11).


"Johnny" was born 19 Oct. 1907, at Alcester, S. Dak., which he still calls the old home town. He graduated from Univ. of South Dakota with a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering in 1933. He was on CCC duty from Feb. 1935 to Dec. 1940 when he terminated that duty to go on extended active duty with the Air Corps at Hamilton Fld. His first job was adjutant and then CO of Hqs. Sq. of the Air Base Gp. In 1941, he was sent as part of the cadre to Will Rogers Fld, Okla. where he was first Base S-1 and then Base Executive. In Oct. 1943, he was sent to England where he helped organize the Air Inspectors Office of the IX AF Service Comd. and became Adm. Inspector. He moved a large contingent of advanced Hqs IX AFSC to France and later returned to England to close out Service Command rear hqs. His next job was A-1 in the 1st Advanced Air Depot Area, IX AFSC at Rheims, France. In Jan. 1945, he commanded the 5th Air Disarmament Gp. in France and Germany, the first one of its kind to operate. In June of that year he was made Deputy Comdr. of the 1st Air Disarmament Wng. Next he was Asst. P & O Officer, then Chief of Adm., both in Hqs, IX AFSC. He served his last year overseas as Deputy Comdr. of the European Air Materiel Comd., old IX AFSC, and returned to the US in Aug. 1947. Her served two years as Chief of Adm. in the Electronics Sub-Division and the Engineering Div., at Hqs, AMC, and attended the Sr. Officers Military Mgmt, course at Craig AFB, before reporting to the AWC. His proposed assignment is with the Dir. of Statistical Services, DCS Comptroller, Hqs, USAF. Johnny's hobbies are golf, wood-working, photography and dog breeding. His wife, Grace, is from Cherokee, Iowa. Children are Terry (age 12) and Judy (age 9).