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of VF-10, and after a reforming period in the States, returned to the Central Pacific, again in the USS ENTERPRISE, and fought through the campaigns including the Marshall Islands, Truk, New Guinea, Palau Islands, Saipan and Guam. During this period he became group commander of Air Group 10. In 1944 he was ordered to duty in Washington, D. C., in connection with the training of Aviation Cadets. In 1946-48 he was Assistant Director of Athletics at the U. S. Naval Academy, from which assignment he went to sea as Air Officer and later Operations Officer in the USS TARAWA. After placing that ship in mothballs in 1949, he was ordered to the Air War College. Bill also answers to the nickname of "Killer" and is a sports enthusiast, liking them all. His wife, Madeline, is from Bremerton, Wash., and children are Bill (age 13), Judith (10), and Christina (1 1/2). Proposed assignment after the AWC is OP 55, Air Weather Div., CNO, Washington, D. C.


Bill was born on 11 November 1914, at Schofield Barracks, Territory of Hawaii, where his father was serving as a lieutenant of Cavalry. He went back to Hawaii as an Army Private in 1932, entered the Military Academy from the ranks, and graduated in 1938. he went immediately to the flying schools at Randolph and Kelly Fields and later served as a flying instructor at Kelly Field and at Stockton Field, California. In mid-1914, he was ordered to the U. K. as an observer, his particular concern was the training of aircrews for combat duties. After Pearl Harbor he returned to the United States where he remained for three years in various posts within the Training Command, finishing as Director of Training at Stewart Field, West Point. Early in 194, he became Commander of the 486th Bomb. Group (h) in the Eighth Air Force in the U. K. After the war he served for a year in the Office of the DCS/P, Headquarters, USAAF, and then went back to England for three years as Assistant Air Attache at the United States Embassy. His wife, Margaret, is from San Antonio, Texas. Children are John (9), Kathleen (5), and Bill (3).


"John" was born 2 December 1911, and calls San Antonio, Texas his home. he attended Vanderbilt University, graduating in 1935; then entered flying training at Randolph and Kelly Fields, receiving his wings in 1936. He spent the next year with the 19th Bomb. Group, March Field, Calif., Oxnard, Calif., Tulare, Calif., Sacramento, Calif., San Marcos, Texas. In 1943, he went to India where he was assigned first as an air base commander, then to duty in Hqs. at Calcutta. In 94, he commanded a wing in the Central Pacific Transport Command with headquarters at Guam. Following the war, he attended the Command and Staff School, Ft. Leavenworth; had a short assignment in intelligence work in Washington; took graduate study in Guided