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the following positions before reporting to the AWC: CO, 162d Recon Sqdn (NP); Dep. CO, 363d Recon Gp; Ex O. 363d Recon Wg; Dir. Field Exercises Plans, TAC; Asst. Dep. Opns, TAC. His proposed assignment is with Operational Requirements Division, DCS/D, Hq, USAF. His hobbies have never crystallized. His wife, Mary Charlotte (Mikey) is from Baltimore. Children are Bob (16) and Mary (1 1/2).


"Bill" was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., April 16, 1908. He was graduated from West Point in 1933. He served at Ft. Bragg in the 16th and 83d FA from 1933-36. From 1937-38 he served in the 11th FA and in the 11th Inf. Brigade in Hawaii. He attended the School of Fire at Ft. Sill in 1938-39 and was then stationed at West Point from 1939-42. From 1943-46 he commanded the 402nd FA Bn, 42nd Div., ended the war in Austria where he "occupied" until 1947. In 1947-48 he attended the C&GS at Ft. Leavenworth and moved from there to an assignment in the Logistics Div., USA, in the Pentagon from where he reported to the AWC. His next assignment is Army Advisory Group, AU. Hobbies - golf, hiking. His wife, Marjorie "Marg" Simonds, "Army Brat" is from wherever all "Army Brats" are from. Children, Jean Tracy (age 10), Billy (age 8).


"Art" was born 13 September 1916 at Sedalia, Missouri, county seat of Pettis County. He received his LL.B at the University of Arkansas Law School in June, 1939 and immediately joined the Air Corps, receiving his wings at Kelly Field in May, 1939. He was assigned to the 8th Pursuit Group at Langley Field and later upon activation of the 57th Fighter Group joined the 65th. Fighter Squadron of that Group as Sqdn. Opns. O. He later took command of that squadron and took it overseas, aboard the aircraft carrier Ranger. The squadron trained for a short time in Palestine and Cyprus and later joined the Desert Air Force and supported the British English Army. In December he took command of the 57th Fighter Group and continued to support the Eighth Army through Tunis, Sicily, and Italy. In January 1944, he was placed on TDY in England where he ran a Dive Bombing and Straffing School for RAF and USAF fighter pilots in preparation for the Invasion. In March, 1944 he took command of the 84th Fighter Wing and arrived on UTAH Beach (by boat) on D plus 4. He commanded the 84th Fighter Wing, under the 9th TAC in the operations across France and left that organization in October 1944 in Belgium. He then took command of the Fighter Gunnery Base at Brownsville, Texas in January 1945 and Galveston Army Air Base in March 1945. He served as an Instructor and Chief of the Air Defense Section in the Air Command & Staff School from 1946 to August 1949 when he was transferred to the AWC. His proposed assignment is in the Office of the