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was assigned to the Intelligence Division, WDGS and was sent to Columbia University to take the European Studies Course on International Relations. Upon completion of this course he was assigned to Military Government in Salzburg, Austria in the summer of 1946. In the summer of 1947 he was appointed Director of Logistics, Zone Command Austria and charged with Military as well as Civilian supply of the US Zone of Austria. From this duty he reported to the AWC. His new assignment is with the 2nd Infantry Division, Ft. Lewis, Washington. "Gib's" hobbies are gold, fishing, photography and History of International Relations. His wife, Frances Deane Steger is also an "Army Brat" and calls Savannah, Ga. her home. Their two children are Angie Overton (13), and Robert (Bobby) G., Jr. (9).


Jack was born April 6, 1909 and is from Casper, Wyoming. He attended the University of Wyoming for two years and then went to the US Military Academy, from which he graduated in 1934. He received his wings at Kelly Field in 1935 and was then assigned to the 7th Bomb Group at Hamilton Field. After completing the Technical School at Chanute Field in 1938 he spent two years at Clark Field, P. I. Shortly after Pearl Harbor he was transferred from Bolling Field to Wright Field where he had the Aircraft Maintenance Section. In 1944 he was assigned to the 8th Air Force and after a short tour as Chief of Staff of the 13th Combat Wing he commanded the 9th Bomb Group at Horham. After completing 15 missions be became Deputy for Operations for the 4th Air Division in April of 1945. After the war he attended the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration and upon graduation in 1947 was assigned as Chief of the Organizational Planning Branch in Hqs USAF. From this duty he was assigned to the AWC. His proposed assignment is Office of Assistant for Field Management, Hqs, USAF. Jack's hobbies are golf, swimming, fishing and hunting. His wife, Helen, is from New York City. Children are Jack (age 10) and Linda (6).


"Curt" hails from Portland, Oregon, where he was born September 16, 1911. Upon graduation from West Point in 1934, he entered flight training. After completing the course at Randolph and Kelly Fields, he was stationed at March Field, Calif., where he had duty with the 19th Bomb Gp., Hq Sq 1st Wing, and the 38th Recon. Sq. He served at Wheeler Field, Hawaii, from 1939 to 1941. In June 1941 he became CO of the 68th Bomb. Sq. of the 44th Bomb. Gp. at MacDill Field, Fla. During 1942, he served in various heavy and medium bombardment OTU groups at Barksdale Field, La., departing from there for North Africa in October of that year as CO, 17th Bomb. Gp. (B-36). In March 1943 he became assistant A-3 of Northwest Africa Strategic Air Force and later was Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff, A-3, of 15th Air Force. Returning to the US in late 1944, he commanded the B-24 CCTS at Mountain Home, Idaho, for a short period and then became Director