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to the States in March of 1944 and was assigned to General Staff Corps in G-3, War Department, General Staff. He joined the Planning Staff at Maxwell which was forming the Air University in January of 1946. He served as New Development Division Chief in the Air Command and Staff School, the Assistant Commandant of the Air Tactical School from where he reported to the Air War College. His proposed assignment is Deputy for Operations, 20th Air Force, Okinawa. Fred's hobbies are golf and fishing.  His wife, Annie Lee (A. Lee), is from San Antonio.  Children are Patty (age 9) and Kenny (age 2).  


Marshall claims Gunatanomo Bay, Cuba, as his birthplace back in December 1912. His home for many years has been Charleston,South Carolina. After two years of college he attended the Naval Academy graduating in 1936.  Having served two years in battleships and destroyers, he was ordered to the China Station, where he served aboard the curiser AUGUSTA, and the river gunboat TUTUILA.  Returning to the states in January of 1941, he commissioned the destroyer WOOLSEY and served aboard for three years, as First Lieutenant, Gunnery Officer, and Executive Officer. During this period the WOOLSEY took part in the pre-war North Atlantic Patrol, convoys to England, and the invasions at Casablanca, French Morocco, Licata, Sicily, and Salerno, Italy. The WOOLSEY was credited with positive sinking of two German submarines during those years. After a year in Boston, 1944, as OinC of the anti-submarine warfare school, he served with the amphibious forces, Pacific Fleet during the remainder of the war and the occupation of Korea.  During 1946 he commanded the destroyer ROBERT K. HUNTINGTON, and took part in the atomic bomb tests at Bikini Atoll as part of the radiological patrol. From early 1947 until January of 1949, he was Executive, and then Officer in Charge of the Gunfire Support School, at Little Creek, Virginia.  He attended the fifth class of the Armed Forces Staff College, being graduated in July 1949, with orders to the Air War College. His next assignment is Commanding Officer of the G. K. MacKenzie (DD 63B), based at San Diego, Calif.  Tommy's hobbies are woodworking and talking. His wife, Evelyn, hails from Salem Oregon, but lived many years in California.  Children are Marilyn (age 6), Linda (age 5), and Marshall (age 2).


"Pete" was born at Natchez, Miss. on 24 Dec. 1911.  After the usual childhood diseases, he spent a couple of years at Marion Institute, thence to West Point, graduating with the class of 1935. Next, he went through Flying School, then to March Field until 1940, and then to Hawaii. After 7 Dec. 1941, Pete was Co of the 18th Fighter Group at Wheeler Field until Feb. of 1943 when he took the Group to Guadalcanal. He had a perfectly normal tour in the Solomon Islands and returned to the States in Dec. of 1943, eventually winding up in


Transcription Notes:
"Gunatanomo" is the spelling in the document. "curiser" is the spelling in the document.