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Command of Chico AAF at Chico, Calif. Chico AAF was closed in Jan. 1946 and Pete spent a record tour of 3 months in the Pentagon, coming to Maxwell as Deputy A-1 of the Air University in April 1946. His past four years at Maxwell were interrupted only by attendance at the Armed Forces Staff College from Jan. to June of 1947. In July 1947 he became A-1 of the Air University and remained A-1 until he entered the Air War College in August 1949. Pete is scheduled for assignment as IG of the Fifth Air Force at Nagoya when he leaves Maxwell. His wife, Mona, is from Montgomery. Children are Fritz (age 13) and Petie (age 9).

WILLIAM H. VAN DINE, Lt. Colonel, USA, 0-30032

"Van" was born 3 August 1908, and calls Ocean Lake, Oregon, his home. He attended the U. of Oregon, graduating in 1932, then entered the advertising and public relations business. His military career began in 1925 when, aged 16, he enlisted in the Field Artillery, Oregon National Guard. He was commissioned as 2nd Lt. MI-Res. in May, 1931. Was called to active duty in 1934 and, as 1st Lt., served three years as Dist. Property Officer, Fort Lewis Dist., CCC; then returned to his civilian business and accepted a commission as 2nd Lt., Ore. Nat'l Guard, which he resigned when his firm transferred him to Calif. in 1939. In 1940 he accepted a commission as 2nd Lt. Calif. Nat'l Guard and, in March 1941, was inducted into Federal service as 1st Lt., 143d F.A., 40th Div. He served as RSO of the 143d F.A. and the 115th QM Regt, and was later named Asst. G-4, 40th Div. He graduated from the QM School in Dec. 1941 and rejoined his division for the "defense of Southern California." After graduation from the G-4 course at Comd and Gen Staff School in 1942, was ordered back to Leavenworth as an instructor. After serving in this capacity until June 1944, he was appointed DCS of the school and sent to Washington to represent the Commandant with the WD Gen Staff. His wartime overseas service consisted of one short tour in ETO, making a special study of supply and transportation matters. He was integrated into the Regular Army in July 1946. in 1947 he was assigned to Hq Marianas-Bonins Command on Guam, where he was serving as G-4 when ordered to the AWC. He will report to EUCOM, Germany, in August. His children, Pete (age 14), Lee (age 9) and Anne (age 6) reside in San Jose, Calif.


"Fred" or "Wack" was born 7 August 1910, and calls Springfield, Massachusetts, his home. He attended the University of Alabama, leaving before graduation to accept appointment as Flying Cadet, Air Corps, receiving his wings as Observation Pilot at Kelly Field in 1935. He was first stationed at Mitchell Field in 97th Observation Squadron. In 1937, he became a flying instructor at Randolph Field. In 1940, he took command of a Primary Flying School in Jackson, Mississippi, until 1941, when he was Director of Training for the Dutch Training Program at Jackson Army Air Base, Mississippi.