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In 1943, he was assigned to Second Air Force at Blythe, California, to command and train the 347th Bombardment Group (B-24's), then overseas to Eighth Air Force Evaluation Board in ETO. After the war he was reassigned overseas to Erlanger, Germany, as A-3 of the 40th Bomb Wing (B-17's). In 1946, he was assigned as Air Force Representative on United Stated Military Mission to Commander-in-Chief of Soviet occupied zone at Potsdam, Germany. This required him to travel over the entire Soviet zone of Germany and parts of Polish zone. In 1948, he was assigned to Headquarters, USAFE, in Intelligence as Chief, Technical Intelligence Division, until returning to the Z.I., and reporting to Air War College. His proposed assignment is Commanding Officer, Training Group, 354th Pilot Training Wing, Goodfellow Field, Texas. Fred's hobbies are hunting and fishing. His wife, Marjorie (Marge) is from Springfield, Massachusetts. Children are Edward, age 9, Susan, age 2, and Victoria, age 2.

AUDRIN R. WALKER, Colonel, USAF, 1524A

"Aud" was born 14 Oct. 1909 in Bristol, Va. he spent the early years of his life in Calif, and still calls Pasadena his adopted home, though Ala. lays a paternal claim to him. He graduated from the U. of Ala. in 1934 and immediately received an appointment to Randolph Fld. His first assignment was to Mitchel Fld., N. Y., but in June 1937, he was returned to Kelly Fld. as an instructor and later became a section operations officer. In Sept. 1940, he, with another officer, went to Barksdale Fld. to start the first multi-engine school in U.S. which became the "Grandaddy" of two and four-engine training in the Training Command. He organized the four-engine training program at Hendricks Fld. and at Lockbourne AFB and later commanded the latter base when it was the B-17 Instructors School. In Jan. 1945, he started organizing and training the 382nd Bomb Gp (VH), which was part of the 316th Bomb Wng. in the Pacific, became CHief of Staff of Feamcom at Fuchu, Japan, Jan. 1947, and Deputy, Chief of Staff of 5ht AF in Nagoya in Oct. 1948. Upon return to U.S. in Dec. 1949, he took comd. of the 91st Strat. Rcn. Wng. at McGuire AFB, from which duty he reported to AWC. His proposed assignment is to AC&SS, Maxwell AFB. Aud is an ardent hunter, loves to fish, play at golf, and the accordion. his wife, Mildred Ruth (Ruth) is the daughter of Col. N. A. Jones, USA, Ret.

ROBERT H. WARREN, Colonel, USAF, 1987A

"Bob" was born 30 July 1917 in Yankton, So. Dak., however, now claims Tampa, Fla. as home. After two years in Yankton College, he entered West Point and graduated in 1940. Upon completion of flying school, he served with the 29th Bomb Gp. at Mac-