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RS ES   February 8, 1927


Jules S. Bache, Esq.,
148 Barton Ave., (P.O. Box 827)
Palm Beach, Fla.

My dear Mr. Bache,

I am sorry to disturb you while you are enjoying a vacation in Palm Beach, but as I understand that you are not returning before the end of March, I am writing you this letter to tell you about what I wish to talk to you.

You may be interested to hear that we are organizing a loan exhibition of religious works of art in aid of charities connected with the Sacré Coeur of Paris.  This was suggested to us by Cardinal Dubois of Paris and Cardinal Hayes is extremely interested in it.  It will be conducted under the auspices of both the Cardinals, and we have already been assured of the cooperation of Mr. Clarence Mackay, Mr. & Mrs. Otto H. Kahn, Mr. George Blumenthal, Mrs. Nicholas F. Brady and a number of other well known people whom you know who have kindly consented to loan us a number of their important works of art.  I should very much like to have you represented in this exhibition, and I am writing you these few lines to ask you whether you would be willing to loan us something for this cause.

I would esteem it a great favor if you would let me hear from you as soon as possible as we naturally have to go ahead as regards making out the catalogue, etc.

We would need the objects for about three weeks from the 16th of March.

Awaiting the favor of your reply, and with my kindest regards, believe me to be

Yours sincerely,