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^[[cost $200 -]]
^[[ [[underlined]] 7308 [[/underlined]] ]] [[underlined]] MODIGLIANI [[/underlined]], Amadeo (1884-1920)
"[[underlined]] GREEK HEAD [[/underlined]]"   PRICE ... $  350.-

^[[ [[underlined]] 7363 [[/underlined]] ]] [[underlined]] PICASSO [[/underlined]], Pablo (1881-)
[[underlined]] "TETE AVEC PIPE"
Collection [[/underlined]]:  The artist
Henri Kahnweiler, Paris   PRICE ... $  $1,900.- [[/strikethrough]]
^[[ [[underlined]] 7188  [[/underlined]] ]] [[underlined]] RENOIR, Pierre Auguste (1841-1919)
"[[underlined]]PORTRAIT OF MASTER THURNEYSSEN[[/underlined]]" ^[[cost $7000 -]]
[[underlined]] Collection[[/underlined]]:  Thurneyssen, Munich (this painting comes directly from the family.
PRICE ... $25,000.-

^[[ [[underlined]] 1271 [[/underlined]] ]] [[underlined]] SEURAT [[/underlined]],Georges (1859-1891)
"[[underlined]]PORTRAIT OF MADAME SEURAT[[underlined]]"  ^[[Cost $600 -]]
[[underlined]]Collection[[/underlined]]: Hodebert   PRICE ... $ 1,200.--

^[[ [[underlined]] 5265 [[/underlined]] ]] [[underlined]] SEURAT  "LA MAISON A HONFLEUR" ^[[cost $696]]
Collection[[/underlined]]:  Emile Seurat, brother of the artist.  The following original document appears on the back of the drawing:  "I can certify that this drawing became the property of my husband, Emile Seurat, at the death of his brother, and that it subsequently became my property up to this day.  Nice, 5th day of April 1929 (signed) Mme. Emile Suerat".
[[underlined]]Reproduced[[/underlined]]:  C. J. Bulliet "The Significant Moderns", 1936, Pl. 26.
[[underlined]]Exhibited[[/underlined]]:  Seurat Exhibition, Renaissance Society of the University of Chicago, Feb. 1935.
PRICE ... $  $2,800.--

^[[ [[underlined]]Matisse [[/underlined]] "Carnival de Nice"]]

[[strikethrough]] NOTE:  Preferably the exchange should be made with Fantis Latour, Fragonard "Torrent" Corot, Landscape"
Try to obtain the address of Check in New York. [[/strikethrough]]

^[[ [[underlined]] 7227 [[/underlined]] ]] [[underlined]] BOUDIN [[/underlined]], Eugene (1824-1897)
"[[underlined]]BEACH SCENE [[/underlined]]"^[[Cost $1700 -.
Dated at left:  "Trouville '74"(?)
[[underlined]]Collection [[/underlined]]:  Rober Walther, Paris   PRICE ... $  3,200.-