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[[picture of portrait described herein]]

Hans Eworth
Flemish: fl. 1540-1574

Queen Mary I of England

Seen at half length before a wall hung with green velver marked off in squares, the parapet extending across the immediate foreground, covered in the same material; wearing a rich brown velvet gown with full sleeves, the undersleeves of jeweled brocade, with jeweled girdle, necklace and Tudor cap. In her hands, which rest upon the parapet, she holds a pair of gloves and a sprig of roses. Signed at upper left with monogram HE, and dated 1554.

Cradled panel; Height, 8 1/2 inches; width, 7 inches.

Collection of Lord Chesham, Latimer
From Wildenstien & Co., New York, 1928

Recorded and illustrated in The Second Annual Volume of the Walpole 
Society, Lionel Cust, The Painter HE (Hans Eworth), 1913, p.22 and pl. VII (b)
Authenticated by Dr. Paul Gans, Basle

Exhibited: Nasjonalgalleriet, Oslo, Norway, 1936
Masterpieces of Art, New York World's Fair, 1939