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[[left column]]
C. L. Blair
[[arc & checkmark]]
notre [[scriture??]]
6043 Commode L XVI
4573 The Busts

1245 Com LXV

Sur notre [[facture?]] a Blair
il est donné seulement
le chiffre [[underlined]] net [[/underlined]] F 515.500
[[/left column]]

[[right column]]
[[boxed table]]

F315.500 | $21.160.80
 250.000 |  16.767.20

F 565.500 | $57.927.50
  50.000 |   3.353 40

[[/boxed table]]


F 515.500. - $34.574.10

Transcription Notes:
The table appears to be a conversion: Francs to Dollars; with an exchange rate of 14.91 Francs to the dollar. May be calculation of payment to Blair less sales commission.