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February 12th., 1943.

My dear Mrs. Blaustein:

Mr. Blaustein was kind enough - in answer to my letter of a little while ago - to write that though you had definitely decided not to add any more paintings to your collection, he was asking you to get in touch with me on one of your next trips to New York.

I am afraid that Mr. Blaustein was under a misapprehension when he answered me, as I had only asked for the pleasure of calling on you and seeing your collection, as I have so many opportunities of stopping off in Baltimore on my frequent trips to Washington.

I am always intensely interested in seeing new collections, the more so in your case as I know very well some of the paintings you have acquired, and I hope you will find it possible to receive me, and I would like to hear from you as to whether there is any particular time which would be specially convenient.

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Séligmann)

Mrs. Jacob Blaustein,
Alto Dale,
Pikesville, Md.