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February 27, 1943

Mr. Germain Seligmann
5 East 57th Street
New York City.

My dear Mr. Seligmann:

Mrs. Blaustein has shown me your February 12th note.

If you will refer to your January 16th letter, you stated that you were most anxious to be represented in [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] ^[[my collection]] and therefore it appears that I was not under a misapprehension when I replied to you. It appears from your January 16th letter that you are interested in two things, seeing our paintings and selling us some, and we definitely are not interested in buying any new paintings at this time.

We shall, of course, be glad to have you see what we have although it is indeed a modest collection. I suggest that some time when you are in the vicinity of Baltimore you communicate with Mrs. Blaustein, and she will be very glad to show the paintings to you.


[[signature]] J. Blaustein [[/signature]]