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February 10th., 1944.

Dear Mr. Blaustein:

The difficulty of traveling and of obtaining accommodations in Washington these days, have prevented me from stopping off in Baltimore and c calling on Mrs. Blaustein and you - as you had so kindly allowed me to do. However, I hope that I shall be able to carry out this plan at some later date.

In the meantime, I thought you might be interested in the catalogue of the Duncan Phillips Memorial Gallery, where there is currently an exhibition of the work of one of the greatest French artists of the first quarter of this century - Roger de LA FRESNAYE - which I helped organize and for which, as you will see, I wrote a very short foreword. I had previously brought the show together in Chicago.

Trusting that you will enjoy perusing this booklet,

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Séligmann)

Jacob Blaustein, Esq.,
Alto Dale,
Pikesville, Md.