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November 26, 1932.

Rene Seligmann, Esq.,
Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc.,
3 East 51st Street,
New York City.

My dear Mr. Seligmann:

This is to confirm bids given you for the George Blumenthal sale, as follows:

No.57 - painting by Schall - Fr. 25,000.-  ^ [[39000]]
No.80 - jardinere mounted in Louis XV au milieu - Fr. 12,500.-  ^ [[Music du Louvre]]
No.94 - pair of small Chinese mounted jardinieres - Fr. 15,000.-  ^ [[20000]]
No.79 - clock and two candlesticks - Fr. 50,000.-  ^ [[83,000]]
No.98 - marble figure by Falconet - Fr. 75,000.-

I also confirm my understanding of the 14% charge.

Thanking you for the courtesy,

Very truly yours,

^ [[signed]] H Walter Blumenthal [[/signed]]

Transcription Notes:
Unsure of the note for No.80 - jardinere mounted in Louis XV au milieu. Unsure on signature but surrounding correspondence indicates Walter Blumenthal.