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FICHE BY: Mr. Germain Séligmann and Mr. François Gerard Seligmann

August 10th., 1936.

Re: [[underlined]] VISIT OF MR WALTER BLUMENTHAL [[/underlined]]

Lancret "Cheval Fondu" .....$25,000. 
which might be taken into consideration

Tintoretto "Apollo and the Muses" no price
though he didn't enthuse about it, this might be 2nd. or 3rd. choice

Corneille de Lyon "Diane de Poitiers" .... Frs. 85,000.
which he liked tremendously

Also showed him
Large Bellini portrait
Paire of Pillement
Fragonard "La BRETECHE"
de TROY - Golden Fleece
Watteau - Larocque - in which he thought the figures were too small - though it didn't appeal to him.

Herewith is a copy of letter I wrote Mr. Edmiston, which tells the story!

Wants - Chardin or perhaps Bronzino portrait.

WALTER BLUMENTHAL dropped in this morning (Aug. 10th). He seems evidently to be looking for a painting to put over his mantel. always names, as usual. I think we should take the Lancret along and perhaps try again the Tintoretto - though I don't believe he is particularly keen about it. Off hand, it seems to me that an English portrait would be probably a great deal more adequate, though he started by asking for a Chardin.

Wants - Charain or perhaps Bronzino portrait