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September 28, 1949


A year or so ago I wrote to Mr. Bonger in Amsterdam, and the letter was returned with the indication that he had passed away.

I was sorry to hear this, having always kept such a most pleasant recollection of the visits I had paid to him before the war in Amsterdam, and top most in my memory was the superb group of pastels and paintings by Odilon REFON about which we always spoke at length.

Mr. Bonger was also in possession of some of the writings of this great artist.

The chance reading of an article in a Dutch magazine a little while ago revealed to me that you inherited Mr. Bonger's collection and particularly his group of Redons.

If I am taking the liberty of writing you today,2and do hope you will not mind my doing so, it is because I have been considering for some time organizing here in my galleries in New York an exhibition of pastels by Odilon Redon, and felt that I could not undertake this without being assured that you would be willing to land some of these pastels.

May I inquire whether you would consider such a cooperation, it being well understood of course that all expenses connected with it would be borne by me.

If the idea in itself were agreeable to you, I would, as soon as I have your answer, communicate with you further about this whole scheme.

Trusting I may hear from you in the very near future, and thanking you in advance for your kind answer which I hope will be in the affirmative,

believe me to be,

Yours respectfully,

(Germain Seligman)

Madame Bonger
Grott Have
Almen (near Deventer)