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December 1st., 1945.

Dear Mr. Bourgeois:

Very many thanks for your kind letter of November 30th., and I do want you to know how much I appreciate the promptness with which you answered my request.

The drawing of the Davies and Rockefeller collections, for the "Grande Jatte" is of course, well known to me.

Now as regards Mr. Albert Rothbart, I wrote to him in the country, where I understand he is living at present, but have not heard from him yet. Of course I am privileged to list it, as it has been published elsewhere before, but I would have liked to reproduce it, as if I recall correctly, it is a particularly interesting one - the more so as being an independent drawing (not related to a painting) and that in my book I am laying particular stress on these. Should you be in touch with Mr. Rothbart, would you consider it as imposing to remind him of my request for a photograph?

With renewed thanks for your kind interest,

Sincerely yours,

(Germain Seligman)

Mr. Stephan Bourgeois,
60 East 94th. St.,
N.Y. 28, N.Y.