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During the last few years collectors, dealers and estates have increasingly charged me with the investigation of old and modern paintings in which they were interested. Arrangements for such examinations, requiring extensive research on the part of an expert, are not easily made. My activity in this direction, I have found, has been much appreciated. I have, therefore, decided to extend this opportunity to a greater number of people. To facilitate this purpose I intend to establish a bureau of 


to which people may apply for research service. If information is needed on the nature, style, authorship and condition of a work of art, it will be examined in accordance with the best methods of modern research. Since an accurate estimate of a work of art depends on time as well as on aesthetic judgment and historical knowledge, a minimum of two weeks will be required to arrive at any findings. These will be presented to the owner of the picture in a full and detailed report tracing the method of examination to the final conclusions. A photograph will be attached to the report for identification.

From past experiences I am convinced that such research as I am able to offer can be counted on to produce efficient results. Moreover, though my fees must vary according to the amount of time and effort required, they will be found to be moderate. 

^[[Dear Georges Seligman,

Here is the circular, which I sent around a few years ago. With best regards

Very truly yours

S. Bourgeois.]]