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RHW:R October 25th, 1937 Dear Mrs. Brewster: Many thanks for your very nice letter of October 21st which I received this morning as well as the photograph of your charming "Classical Head" by Picasso painted in 1921. I have brought the contents of your letter to Mr. Séligmann's attention and we should like very much to have this painting for our exhibition. There is only one obstacle--I am afraid it is now too late to include this painting in our catalogue which has already gone to press. However, should you still feel inclined to lend us the picture, we shall have a special shield made mentioning your name and your collection. Inasmuch as our exhibition opens a week from today, I am taking the liberty of sending you enclosed, one of our blanks which I would ask you to be good enough to fill out for me so that we may have the necessary data, insurance information, etc. in case that you will lend us the painting. I shall be looking forward to seeing you and Mr. Brewster here around the middle of November, and it will afford me great pleasure to have you look at our Redon again. I should also like to show you some of our very latest purchases which had not arrived in this country when you were here the last time. Would you kindly inform me about the Picasso situation so that we can make the necessary arrangements and also advise us whether you have shipped the picture or not. Trusting my lines find you in good health, Believe me to be Most faithfully, (R.H. Waegen) Mrs. Walter S. Brewster Covin Tree Lake Forest, Illinois ^[[GS]]