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January 5th., 1944.

Dear Mrs. Brewster:

Very many thanks for your letter of December 28th., which, however, distressed me no end, as I am afraid that I have upset you. Had I for one moment thought that the "blue" PICASSO was so dear to you, you can imagine that I never would have written you as I did. I hope you will forgive me and blame it on my enthusiasm, as after all, what greater recognition can we give to anyone or anything than to have the desire of ownership?

Well, now that my great hopes are shattered, can we come back to a more realistic attitude? As I wrote you, I am still interested in purchasing the little blue and pink BONNARD, and would be glad to hear from you what value you put on it.

With my best wishes to you and Mr. Brewster for this New Year,

Yours sincerely,

(Germain Séligmann)

Mrs. Walter S. Brewster,
2704 Lake View Avenue,
Chicago, Ill.