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July 21st, 1939

Brown&s Warehouse Company
416 East 76th Street
New York, new  York

Dear Sirs:

Confirming our telephone conversation, you will call for at Roslyn for packing and shipping ^[[x]] to:-

The John woodman Higgins Armory, Inc.
100 Barber Avenue
Worcester, Mass.

the items listed on the enclosed receipt in duplicate, which kindly sign and surrender to Mr. Masselin.

On arriving at the above address in Worcester, will you contact both Mr. Gates, Traffic Manager and Mr. Russell, the Curator. All objects should be delivered to the locked storeroom on the second floor.

Your invoices for charges in this connection and for which you rendered us an estimate of $177.15 should be forwarded to Mr. John Woodman Higgins.

We count upon you to exercise the greatest possible care in packing and shipping these items in order to insure their good arrival in Worcester.

Please obtain your own receipt in duplicate, one of which we should appreciate having for our records.

Yours very truly,


(O. A. Liechti)

^[[x, in your own truck]]

Enc. 2