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As regards what you say about the value of this picture, I can assure that the price we are asking for it is a very reasonable one compared to the prices of certain portraits of Reynolds' which have been sold recently. But never-the-less, if you feel that you are sufficiently interested in the picture as I would very much like to be represented in your house by such an important painting, I will be very willing to discuss the question of price with you, and if you fully appreciate the remarkable quality and rarity of our painting, which I am certain you do, I feel sure that we will be able to come to terms.

As I am going away very shortly on a trip out west, I would esteem it a great favor, if what I have written in this letter interests you, if you would let me hear from you at your earliest convenience.

Looking forward to the pleasure of hearing from you, Believe me to be, 

Yours sincerely,