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17, Old Burlington Street,
London, W.1.

All Business Communications 
must be addressed to

Telegraphic address "RARIORA.PICCY.LONDON."
Telephone No. 4095 GERRARD.

10th December 1925.

Mr. Jacques Seligmann
705 Fifth Avenue,
New York U.S.A.

Dear Sir,

Under separate cover we are mailing you the December issue of The Burlington Magazine, and we would ask you to give this publication your consideration as an advertising medium.

You will see from a perusal of the number that we have the support of first class firms from all parts of the world and as the Burlington has now become the international standard art publication in the English language, we would suggest that your firm should be represented by some form of announcement in our pages.

Our prices as you will see by the enclosed tariff, are moderate being only $100.00 per page and pro rata for smaller spaces.

Awaiting the favour of your early decision,

Yours faithfully,
