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[[double underlined]] CALL TO CONVENTION [[\double underlined]]

Women in all parts of the world are awakening to new responsibilities and new opportunities.  Facing the demands of a scientific age women want training for the job they are to do in the home, the wide community and the world.

In every community there is so much that needs the attention of women who are able and willing to bring knowledge, skill and understanding.  We are challenge to come to the convention with new determination to find ways of strengthening family life and creating the kind of community climate that contributes to the wholesome growth of youth.

The situations confronting our youth across the country are such that as Council women we cannot fail to close ranks and unite in every way to help create conditions that will help us to deal not only with matters of personal conduct, but with the underlying conditions in housing, education, citizenship and international relations.

[[underlined]]"WOMEN'S ROLE IN COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP", [[\underlined]] the Convention theme, sets forth the nature and scope of the 23rd Annual Convention.  It has a leadership training design with the hope that the convention experience will have meaning for every participating member and, in the perspective of history, for the contribution of womanhood.

Mary McLeod Bethune, our beloved Founder, left in our hands a magnificent legacy.  So much depends upon what we do with it now; how we measure up to the new demands of the age in which we live.  Within a noble tradition, we are called to come together in convention with the unity of purpose and unity of action essential to deepen the quality of our efforts in behalf of a better life for all.  

-Every local council, junior council and national affiliate is hereby called to send delegates to the 23rd National Convention to be convened November 13 - 15, 1958, at the Statler-Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C.

-Every member and life member is urged to come and share in the deliberations and decisions.

-Fraternal delegates from organizations closely related in our common cause are especially welcomed.

-Families and friends are cordially invited to participate in significant convention activities.

May the blessings of God Almighty be upon us as we gather, and may He grant us the wisdom, courage and vision to be what He would have us be.

-Dorothy I. Height-
National President