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[[double underlined]] LEADERSHIP TRAINING INSTITUTE[[/double underlined]]

[[underlined]]WHY A LEADERSHIP TRAINING INSTITUTE [[/underlined]]

The Leadership Training Institute is basic to all we will do not only in Convention but in organizations in every community. Women today want to improve their leadership skills in order to carry their multiple role in society.

Women are saying they can do a better job, make better use of limited time and get greater satisfaction if they know what is expected of them in community and organizational life.

Women leaders want to increase their know-how and effectiveness and draw upon new learning in human relations training.

[[underlined]]THE NCNW's PURPOSE[[/underlined]]

This institute is designed to provide:

- A learning experience around such questions as -
How do we have more productive meetings?
Where do we get to work in our communities?
Where do we begin?
How do we solve problems in our organization?
How do we help groups work together effectively?
How do we develop and carry out program bringing about community change?

- An opportunity for study and practice for effective leadership -
What can we do to get better teamwork among officers and other leaders?
What does it mean to be a leader in an organization of organizations?
How can we achieve greater cooperation with all groups?
How do we achieve our highest goals?

[[underlined]] ABOUT OUR TRAINERS [[/underlined]]

A team of highly skilled trainers will help us in the development of self-awareness, sensitivity in human relations situations and leadership skills.

Mr. Roger Shaw teaches at the Center for Human Relation Studies, New York University. He serves as a consultant to the Phelps-Stokes Fund and the Georgia NAACP Community Action Program. Mr. Shaw has published several articles and pamphlets which have particular value for community leadership; an article, MINORITY-MAJORITY GROUP TENSIONS published in the American Unity Magazine; an article  in the Journal of Educational Sociology, February, 1958 on TRAINING LEADERS IN OPERATION MANHATTAN and with  Dr. Mary Beauchamp and Associates he has written a BUILDING NEIGHBORLINESS.

Mrs. Hilda Orr Fortune is a member of staff of the  Greater New York Urban League. Mrs. Fortune has had wide experience in social agencies and in women' organizations at work at the community level. She has worked with Mrs. Bethune and knows the objections of Council.

Mr. Shaw and Mrs. Fortune have worked together in training, drawing upon learnings in group dynamics and other areas of human relations training.