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1) This is the way we are working now.  Can we do it better

2) How do we see each other?

3) Why do we act the way we do?

A. See things the way we want to see them

B. Too set in our opinions concerning people such as red heads are mean, fat people are jolly.


4. We are trained to see things a certain way

A. Need to be untrained or reshaped

5. Tend to keep our eyes on the status quo leader

A. Lazy in our thinking, rather let others do it for us.

6. Closer we get to situations, the more we change.

7. That as negro women we are more conforming than others

Roles we play in a group

I. Group Task Roles
A. Get job done
B. Information giver
C. "[[ditto for Information]] seeker
D. Opinion Giver
E. "[[ditto for Opinion]] seeker
F. Participation

II. Group Maintenance Roles*
A. Encourager
B. Harmonizer
C. The gate keeper, bring others in
D. The Pace changer, get meeting back on beam when we go off on a tangent

III. Things that keep us from doing things
A. The pessimist
B. Person who is always too busy
C. Dissention
D. The Blocker of progress
E. Seniority
F. Rumor managers
G. Tradition
H. The "pointer"

Even tho we know things should be different because of strong opinion of chairman and others stronger or higher on the ladder rung, we go along. [[strikethrough]]with[[/strikethrough]]