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I. Shared leadership (not one person but many)

A. Autocrat
One who has all the answers works out program and tells others what to do. 
No member involvement.

II. Lausey Fare - Things as they are.
I am in office now, I don't have to do anything.

[[line drawn from "Lausey Fare" to insert]]
^[[To ask to do. Leadership. M[[circle around M]]aintain itself.

III Democrat
A. Involves people
Problem [[underlined]] Solving - making [/underlined]] Decisions
Getting action
1. Statement of Problem
2. Clarification of problem
3. Keeping Discussion on Beam
4. Summarizing
5. Testing the consequences of emerging decisions
6. Testing understanding
7. Decision making

IV  We must support ideas not friends.
A. Must examine our own motives

[[image: rough circular pencil-drawn sketch, with eight smaller circles on the circumference, two pair connected]] ^[[side discussions]]
^[[why? groups? disintegrates]] ^[[Try to get more people involved]]

[[image: rough sketch of a barometer, with marks at 0, 25, 50, 100, 102]]

V  Testing group temperature.
A. A good group is one in which leader is not distinguished

[[line/arrow from circular image to bottom of page]] ^[[ O Silent one]]