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signed sealed and delivered
in the presence of
(Signed) J H. Wilson

Signed E Nye Huchison ([[?]])
Jno Wilkes (Seal)

State of North Carolina }
Mecklenburg County      }

I certify that the execution of the within and foregoing deed was duly acknowledged in my office before me by the grantor and recorded the 4th day of July 1863. Let it with this certificate & receipt for State and County Tax be registered

Recd 4th July 1863. $1.00 State & County Tax (signed) Wm Maxwell CCC
signed Wm Maxwell
c. C. C.

Charlotte N. C
Mecklenburg Co

I certify that the foregoing is a true Copy of the County Records in Book No 4, Page 634. 

[[signature]] F W Ahrens [[/signature]]
County Register