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[[image- map of Peru]]

WEATHER IN LIMA—Lat. S12°03'—Alt.501'



|Temp. High|81°|83°|84°|80°|76°|70°|67°|67°|69°|69°|74°|

Temp. Average|72°|74°|74°|71°|67°|64°|62°|62°|63°|63°|


^[[cold used gloves]] [[image - arrow pointing to 64°]]

LOCATION... Peru on the west coast of South America touches the coastline of Ecuador and Chile and contains some of the highest peaks of the Andes.

CHARACTERISTICS... Lima is one of the most fascinating cities in the world. It is a mixture of Indian and Spanish Colonial tradition yet it is sophisticated and gay. The magnificent Inca ruins at Cuzco and Machu Picchu are awe inspiring, giving a sense of the mysterious past. You'll buy antique silver in Lima, blankets and llama-lined jackets and other things at the Indian markets. You'll have fun bargaining and you'll enjoy the fact that prices are substantially lower than at home. That goes for the hotels and restaurants too. In fact Peru is one South American Country where you can vacation on a budget. The climate is cool but along the coast at the excellent beach resorts it is warm and delightful. Peru is a sophisticated country. The food is marvelous, the Peruvians very chic. The Indians colorful.

POPULATION...7,500,000; the population is about equal to that of Chicago, Philadelphia and Los Angeles combined.

SIZE...Roughly the shape of California, Peru is three times as big—482,258 square miles.

CAPITAL...Lima, a city of 1,000,000, larger than Baltimore, Maryland.

GOVERNMENT...A republic with a President assisted by a cabinet; and two legislative chambers.

HOW TO GET THERE...By Panagra's de luxe through-plane service 11 hours, from Miami; by connecting airline and Panagra, 16 hours, 40 minutes from New York; 19 hours from Chicago; 19 hours, 35 minutes from Houston; 27 hours, 25 minutes from Los Angeles. By ship, about 12 days.

ACCOMMODATIONS... There is a scarcity of top hotels in Lima. But the few there are very good.

^[[BEST]] The [[underlined]] Gran Hotel Bolivar [[/underlined]] is famous and good. It has everything, including a night club. Rates range from about $3.80 single to $5.60 double, European plan. American plan if desired, about $3 more per person.

^[[GOOD]] [[underlined]] The Crillon [[/underlined]] is the newest hotel on the West Coast. Air-conditioned, it is spotless and modern with all facilities including swimming pool, Turkish baths. Rates $4 single, $5.50 double, European plan.

[strikethrough] Other hotels include the Maury which is old and picturesque. Rates range from about $4.80 single and $9.60 double, American plan.

Hotel Lima, Hotel Leuro and Hotel 28 de Julio are modest, but acceptable. Rates start at about $4.00 a day, American plan.  [[/strikethrough]].

Lima Country Club which is the most famous in South America is in San Isidro a short taxi ride from the city. This is one of the finest places to stay in Peru, with tennis courts, swimming pool and all club facilities. Rates begin at $4.30 single and $5.60 double European plan. Make reservations early.

The numerous pensions offer charming accommodations at very modest rates. These pensions are not like the boarding houses at home. They are usually charming villas with gardens and many servants to take care of you. Rates run from about $10 a week with meals included.

^[[GOOD]] ARTS...National Museum of Archeology (Inca Museum) houses a fabulous collection of specimens of Inca and pre-Incan cultures.  ^[[AWFUL]]  The Museum of Italian Art on the Paseo de la Repilica was presented to the city by Italian residents and contains many modern Italian paintings. The Pinacoteca Municipal Merino is devoted to the works of Peruvian artists.

The Colonial Museum (Museu Central del Virreynato) houses the once widely scattered colonial collections of Lima.

BANKS...National City Bank of New York, Royal Bank of Canada, Banco de Credito, Banco Popular de Peru, International Bank of Peru, Banco Comercial del Peru.

CALENDAR OF HOLIDAYS...New Year's Day; 3-day carnival in February; Holy Week which consists of a Holy Thursday and Friday in April; Corpus Christi, June 8; Independence of Peru, July 28, 29, 30; Santa Rosa de Lima, August 30; Day of Columbus, October 12; All Saints Day, November 1; Christmas Eve and Christmas.

CIGARETTES, PIPES, TOBACCO...Popular brands of cigarettes are available in Lima at 60 soles a carton (about $4.00). A passenger may bring in one carton of cigarettes, 25 cigars or 2 tins of tobacco.

CLIMATE...Year 'round temperature is about 70 degrees. Spring begins in September. Summer starts in December. It hardly ever rains, but in winter there are heavy fogs. The Humboldt current off the coast keeps it from ever becoming unbearably hot. January through April is the ideal season in Lima.  ^[[and here is a handwritten note]] JUNE COLD DRIZZLE- NO UMBRELLA [[/and here is a handwritten note]]

CLUBS...Club Phoenix, Country Club, mentioned above; Club Nacional, guest cards may be arranged. For golf and tennis clubs see SPORTS.

COMMON COURTESIES AND LOCAL CUSTOMS...Everyone plays the lotteries here. Do not address taxidriver, waiters or other servants familiarly. Peruvians are very formal, very polite. ^[[and here is a handwritten note]] NOT TRUE [[/and here is a handwritten note]] They resent 
casualness. Tea is as important to the social life of the international colony as it is in England. You have cocktails at 7:00. Dinner at 9:30 or 10:00.

COMMUNICATIONS...Western Union; telephones (long distance); West Coast Cable and All American Cable and Radio; air-mail.

^[[and here is a handwritten note]] SHOPS CLOSE FOR SIESTA [[/and here is a handwritten note]]


Transcription Notes:
Items marked as "underlined" are underlined by hand in ink, not printed