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5 Injured in Clashes At Renault Car Works

Brazil's Only English Language Daily
Vol. 7 - No. 103  RIO DE JANEIRO, THURSDAY, JUNE 5 1952  Rio and São Paulo Cr$ 2,00 Elsewhere in Brazil Cr$ 3,00

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5 Hurt at Renault as Commies Pursue Attempt At Strike 
PARIS (Rueter) - Five men were injured in clashes at the huge Renault car works on the outskirts of Paris Wednesday after it had been brought almost to a standstill by Communist strikers. Elsewhere throughout France there was a little early response to the Communist call for strikes in protest against the arrest of party leader Jacques Duclos. The trouble at the Penault works began when the Communists tried to stop others from carrying on with their jobs. 
The injured were all foremen who were taken to the hospital. There were no immediate reports of police intervention though strong forces were standing by in trucks at the nearby Town Hall.
First reports from the works, a traditional bastion of Communist agitation, said that many of the 40,000 employed there had started work. But the Communist militants began paralyzing the workshops by cutting the power lines. By mid-morning most machines were idle.
Police made a night swoop on 66 officials of the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) which launched the strike and were holding them for questioning.
work was normal at Citroen, Panhard and Hispani Suizi motor works. At the Hotchkiss factory only 400 of 2,000 workers downed their tools.
Steel-helmeted police with Sten guns patrolled the Sante prison were Duclos is being held.
The Ministry of the interior announced that the communist attempt to paralyze Paris transport and the nation's rail com- (Continued on Page 5)