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[[Index tab letters visible are on subsequent pages]]

7-45- Sight of sun (see col.13)- Trying to find oil leak after center motor

8-53 Started [turning? West?] 
     magnetic [[air?]] about 8 mi???

10:05 Headed 256 mag as above

May 9   10 knots 11-20 sighted ship probable dest [?] north & parallel for [?] for 15 minutes. [[? ?]]

4.48 Sighted lights of steamer [?] set course west mag at 5.00 for about 5 minutes when they disappeared

505 Continued west 

5-10 [[shot? verg's?]] star (red)

5-20 Put flare overboard

5-25 Sighted ^[[flashing]] light about 300° mag Headed that way.

5.35 Sighted flashing light 250° mag

6.00 Headed for second light probably buoy off Nanset Hbr.

6.27 Engine stopped

6.53 Started [[stbd? eng.? port? eng.?]] would start but stopped again

7.05 Both engines running - resumed [course?] for light. Others lights in sight - one [[steamer?]] or probably [[strikethrough]] Chatham [/strikethrough]] fishing vessel. Speed about 8 
8.25. Light headed for probably [?]
 [course?] changed to head for another light (flashing) bearing 5 W mag.

8.30 Day just starting to break.

9.25 Off N.A.S. [[chas?]] sighted plane heading our way.
(Continued p 21)