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15 May
12.53 Took off
1.02  Baltmore
1.07  Clear visibility excellent wind light - from about NW
1.23  Landed off Story H'd 18 miles from Halifax. Found piece of rubber gas fuel line. Cleaned [jets?] for'd carburetor [[units?]]
[[strikethrough]] Took off [/strikethrough]]for'd engine. Renewed spent [[plug?]] on 6-L same way. [[Landed?]]
3.46  Took off.
4.58  Running  [[?----?]] wind
[[strikethrough]] 5.49 oil [/strikethrough]]
6.07  [[?---?]] about 5 min as [?] on [[?--?]]
6.16  Sighted destroyer No. 1 [[?---?]] 27 miles. 1700
645   Passed over No. 1
648   running into strong north wind
7.18  Over [[?--?]] below alt 2200