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[[underlined]] EXTRACT FROM PORTUGESE NEWSPAPER ---"O SECULO", 30 May 1919. [[/underlined]]


At 2.30 we entered a gasolene launch to go abroad the SHAWMUT, where the ceremony was to take place. The city of Lisbon was to have the opportunity of manifesting by means of its representatives, its admiration and enthusiasm for the heroic aviator of the air, who had just carried out his most wonderful voyage. In a few moments the officers of the SHAWMUT received with every courtesy, the representatives from the Aero Club. Some moments later another gasolene launch arrived at the vessel. We recognized the American Minister and wife, General Brainard, American Military Attache, and wife, and his aide, as well as Captain De Masi, and wife, and the American Naval Attache. The crew of SHAWMUT was already formed on the deck, aft, leaving a space for the ceremony. In front, stood the American Minister, the Commander of the Shawmut, the Naval and Military Attaches, Commander Read, and in line, his companions. Preparations were being made to take photographs, when representatives of the city council arrived.

The President of the Aero Club then offered to the pilot of the NC-4 a beautiful box containing a medal referring to the celebrated voyage. All faces expressed content and happiness when the actual moment for the ceremony arrived. Mr. Alberto Ferreira Vidal, then addressed to Lieutenant Commander Read, together with his companions, a short discourse in which he expressed the satisfaction which the people of Lisbon felt in being able to manifest their freindship and admiration for the great american nation, now that such an extraordinary and wonderful opportunity offerred itself. At the end of this discourse Mr. Vidal placed the gold medal, hanging by a black and white ribbon representing the traditional colors of the emblem of the city now restored, upon the breast of Mr. Read. On the decoration which the city Lisbon offered to the Commander of the NC-4 this inscription had been engraved; -- "To the heroic aviator-pilot, Lieutenant A.C. Read, glory of the North American Nation ---- offered by the City Council of Lisbon, 27 May 1919".

It was at this point that the Ministers of War, Marine, and Labor, accompanied by the personnel of their offices, and Rear Admiral Galis, arrived, who cordially shook hands with Mr. Read. As at the beginning of the ceremony, all faces showed great emotion and contentment. After the ceremony we are able to secure a short interview with Mr. Read, the heroe of this occassion, who smiled continually, a little embarrased, but confronting heroically the dozens of cameras which were centered upon him. He expressed his deep gratitude for all the underserved courtesies and honors which he was receiving from the Government and from the Potugese Nation. "Your flight above the river, and the splendid landing, caused great admiration", we said. "Yes, everyone speaks of that and it surprises me", He added majestically, " This was not difficult". "However," interposed one of the officers from the Military Attache's Office, who stood close by, and without doubt had noticed
