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- Translation-
To His Excellency 
The Minister Plenipotenciary of the United States of America. 
In view of the sensational flight across the Atlantic which has, through space, united Great America to our Portugal, the Propaganda Society of Portugal begs to salute Your Excellency, as the distinguished representative of the Great North American people and by so doing, we salute the glorious starspangled banner, the respected symbol of the great Nation, which has so brilliantly cooperated towards the civilisation of the world. 
If old Portugal, recalling her past glories, prides herself of having, through "hitherto unnavigated seas" shown the whole world the maritime route to India, she does not feel less pride at this moment, at the preference given to Portuguese territory for the reception of the first daring American aviators, who crossing infinite space, came to return the visit, paid five centuries ago, of the Portuguese navigators in their caravels. 
The fact in itself is wonderful. History will perpetuate in letters of gold the memorable flight, initiating fresh enterprises which will contribute to a more definite increase of relations between the two continents, the ties of which are already straitened by the fine exploit of the seaplane N C 4, under the direction of the most intrepid and heroic aviator, Lieutenant Read, whose name will live for ever in our spirt as the forerunner in the great progresses that the air route will bring to the two nations. 
The Society of Propaganda of Portugal, rejoicing in the realisation of such a far-reaching aspiration in benefit of our country